Hi, my name is Hailary. I found a love of drawing when I was only 6 years old and my love of art continues to this very day! My styles range in many directions, but I have to admit that acrylic painting is my favourite. I enjoy painting flowers and landscapes.
and Apartment Decoration
in Caldas da Rainha,
& Swarovski
Please contact me should you be interested in making a purchase of one of my paintings, prints, licensed images, or organizing an exhibit. Commissioned projects are also welcomed, so kindly contact me with your specific requirements. You are welcome to visit my new Etsy Hailary Shop
I hope that you enjoy the pictures that I have on display here and thanks for visiting my site. I sincerely am looking forward to seeing you at one of my future exhibits. Please use the feedback form to leave a comment or suggestion, thank you.Contact Hailary
Find Me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hailaryarts/
Follow my new Youtube Channel Hailary Arts & Crafts Tutorials & Tips https://www.youtube.com/c/HailaryArts